Last Revised: [2025/1/14]
Handling of Information of Users Located in California, U.S.A., or in the EEA Member States or the United Kingdom
For consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts located in California, the United States, Chapter 2 applies in addition to Chapter 1; in the case of any inconsistency or conflict between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, Chapter 2 applies. For customers located in the EEA Member States or the United Kingdom, Chapter 3 applies in addition to Chapter 1; in the case of any inconsistency or conflict between Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, Chapter 3 applies.
Chapter 1. ZOZOMETRYにおける個人情報の取り扱い Article 1. 個人情報の利用目的 当社は、ZOZOMETRYにおいて、以下の利用目的で計測ユーザー及び企業側管理者(総称して、以下「お客様」といいます。)個人情報を取得し、利用します。
個人情報の種類 | 利用目的 | |
計測 ユーザー |
・氏名 ・メールアドレス ・生年月日 ・性別 ・ユーザーが入力した身体情報(体重、身長等) ・計測データ(計測値や3Dメッシュ等、本計測情報) ・ユーザーが情報を連携した企業 ・ユーザーが情報を連携した企業がユーザーに付す識別コード(社員番号等) ・ログイン情報(ID及びパスワード) ・端末情報 ・iOSバージョン情報 ・使用しているアプリのバージョン情報 ・問い合わせ内容 ・IPアドレス ・ウェブブラウザに関する情報 ・タイムゾーン ・本サービスを使用する国 ・本サービスを利用するのに必要なCookie情報 ・本サービスの利用履歴(ログインログ、問い合わせ履歴、検索履歴及び計測ログを含む。) ・Authenticatorの情報 ・その他本サービスの利用に伴って当社に送信した情報 |
・ZOZOMETRYサービスを提供・改善・新機能の開発するため ・ZOZOMETRYサービスの利用に伴うお知らせを提供するため ・ZOZOMETRYサービスの利用に伴う問い合わせ対応 |
企業側 管理者 |
・氏名 ・メールアドレス ・本サービスを使用する国 ・ログイン情報(ID及びパスワード) ・住所 ・請求先情報 ・権限情報 ・企業及び部署名 ・iOSバージョン情報 ・使用しているアプリのバージョン情報 ・問い合わせ内容 ・問い合わせ履歴 ・IPアドレス ・ウェブブラウザに関する情報 ・タイムゾーン ・本サービスを使用する国 ・Cookie情報 ・検索履歴 ・Authenticatorの情報 ・その他本サービスの利用に伴って当社に送信した情報 |
・ZOZOMETRYサービスを提供・改善・新機能の開発するため(ZOZOSUITの発送及び請求業務を含むがこれに限りません。) ・ZOZOMETRYサービスの利用に伴うお知らせを提供するため ・ZOZOMETRYサービスの利用に伴う問い合わせ対応 ・ZOZOMETRYサービスの利用状況の分析及びよりよい利用方法の提案及び機能開発 |
Article 2. 個人情報の保存期間 当社は、個人情報を、上記の取得・利用目的を達成するために必要な期間に限り保存します。具体的な保存期間は、個人情報の取得・利用目的、個人情報の性質、法律上または業務上の個人情報保持の必要性を考慮して決定されます。 Article 3. お客様の同意に基づく個人情報の提供 当社は、お客様がZOZOMETRY上で指定した第三者に対して、お客様の個人情報を提供します。お客様が指定する第三者が日本国外に所在する場合、当社は、個人情報を日本国外に移転するために必要な情報をお客様に提供した上で、お客様の指示を受けるものとします。 当社は、お客様の指示がない限り、いかなる第三者に対してもお客様の個人情報を提供いたしません。ただし、次のいずれかに該当する場合を除きます。 (1) 本人の同意がある場合 (2) 各国の法令に基づく場合 (3) 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要な場合であって、同意を得ることが困難である場合 (4) 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、同意を得ることが困難である場合 (5) 国または地方公共団体等が公的な事務を実施する上で、協力する必要がある場合であって、同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障が出るおそれがある場合 (6) 個人情報を学術研究目的で取り扱う必要がある学術研究機関等に提供する場合(ただし、お客様の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます。) (7) 合併、会社分割、営業譲渡その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って、提供する場合 Article 4. 安全管理措置について 当社は、個人情報について、以下のとおり漏えい、滅失又は毀損の防止その他の適切な管理のための措置を講じています。 (1) 基本方針の策定 ・個人情報の適正な取扱いを確保し、質問及び苦情処理の窓口をお知らせするため、基本方針を定めております。 (2) 個人データの取扱いに係る規律の整備 ・取得、利用、保存、提供、削除・廃棄等の段階ごとに、取扱方法、責任者・担当者及びその任務等について個人情報保護規程を策定 (3) 組織的安全管理措置 ・個人データの取扱いに関する責任者(個人情報保護責任者)を設置 ・個人データを取り扱う従業者及び当該従業者が取り扱う個人データの範囲を明確化 ・法や社内規程に違反している事実又は兆候を把握した場合の個人情報保護責任者への報告連絡体制を整備 ・個人情報の取扱状況について、定期的に自己点検を実施するとともに、必要に応じて他部署や外部の者による監査を実施 (4) 人的安全管理措置 ・個人情報の取扱いに関する留意事項について、従業者に定期的な研修を実施 ・個人情報についての秘密保持に関する事項を社内規程に記載 (5) 物理的安全管理措置 ・個人情報を取り扱う区域において、従業者の入退室管理及び持ち込む機器等の制限を行うとともに、権限を有しない者による個人情報の閲覧を防止する措置を実施 ・個人情報を取り扱う機器、電子媒体及び書類等の盗難又は紛失等を防止するための措置を講じる ・事業所内の移動を含め、個人情報を取り扱う機器、電子媒体等を持ち運ぶ場合、容易に個人情報が判明しないよう措置を実施 (6) 技術的安全管理措置 ・アクセス制御を実施して、担当者及び取り扱う個人情報の範囲を限定 ・個人情報を取り扱う情報システムを外部からの不正アクセス又は不正ソフトウェアから保護する仕組みを導入 (7) 外的環境の把握 ・当社は、個人情報の一部を保管しているクラウドサーバが所在する外国の個人情報の保護に関する制度を把握した上で安全管理措置を実施しています。 外国の個人情報の保護に関する制度のうち主要なものについては、以下の個人情報保護委員会のWebページからご確認ください。 Article 5. 未成年の方の個人情報の取り扱いについて 未成年(日本においては18歳未満、EEA対象国では16歳未満を指します。)が、本サービスを利用しようとする際には、法定代理人の事前の同意を得て利用するものとします。当社は、法定代理人の同意がない限り、未成年に関する情報を意図的に収集または処理しません。 Article 6. 開示、訂正等の手続きについて 当社は、ご本人からの利用目的の通知、開示対象個人情報の開示、第三者提供記録の開示、開示対象個人情報の内容が事実に反する場合等における訂正・追加・削除、利用停止・消去および第三者提供の停止(以下「開示等」という。)のご請求を受付いたします。 1. 開示等の求めの申し出先 郵送でご請求いただく場合は、第7条の規定の宛先に所定の請求書に必要書類を添付のうえ、ご郵送ください。 2. ご提出いただくもの (1) 個人情報利用目的の通知・開示請求書 (2) 個人情報訂正等請求書 (3) 個人情報利用停止等請求書 (4) 本人確認のための書類(運転免許証、パスポートなど) (5) 法定代理人の場合は、上記(4)に加え、法定代理権があることを確認する書類 (6) 任意代理人の場合は、上記(4)に加え、当社所定の委任状及び本人の印鑑証明書 ※ ご提出いただいた書類に記載された本籍地等の機微情報については、あらかじめ塗り潰した上でご提出下さい。当社受領時に塗り潰されていない場合は、当社にて塗り潰すことにより取得しないものとさせていただきます。 3. 手数料 当該ご請求のうち、開示のご請求および利用目的の通知のご請求につきましては、1回のご請求につき、1,000円の手数料をご負担いただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。なお、郵送でご請求いただく場合は、振込み等により、手数料をいただきます。 開示等のご請求の具体的な手続きにつきましては、第7条の窓口までお問い合わせください。 Article 7. 個人情報の取扱いに関するご相談・苦情等について 当社の個人情報の取扱いに関するご相談や苦情、異議等のお問い合わせについては、下記の窓口までご連絡いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。また、お客様のご同意はいつでも撤回することが可能です。 ------------------------------------- [個人情報についてのお問い合わせ先] 〒263-0023 千葉県千葉市稲毛区緑町1-15-16 株式会社ZOZO 新事業推進部 メールアドレス : ※お問い合わせは24時間受け付けております。 ------------------------------------- Article 8. 米国カリフォルニア州、またはEEA加盟国もしくは英国に所在するお客様の情報の取扱いについて 米国カリフォルニア州に所在するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについては、Chapter 1に加え、Chapter 2が適用されます。Chapter 1とChapter 2の間に矛盾・抵触がある場合、Chapter 2が適用されます。 EEA加盟国もしくは英国に所在するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについては、Chapter 1に加え、Chapter 3が適用されます。Chapter 1とChapter 3の間に矛盾・抵触がある場合、Chapter 3が適用されます。 Article 9. 本プライバシーポリシーの変更 当社は、個人情報を適切に利用し、その保護を徹底するために本プライバシーポリシーの全部又は一部を改定することがあります。重要な変更がある場合は、適用開始日をお知らせしたうえで通知を行います。 Article 10. クッキーの利用及びデータの外部送信について 当社のサービスではお客様の閲覧情報を分析し、個々のお客様に適したサービスや情報、広告等を提供する目的のため、以下の事業者が提供する広告配信や行動ログ分析ツール等を利用しています。
サービス名 | 事業者名 | プライバシーポリシー | 利用目的 |
GoogleAnalytics | Google, Inc. | | ・ユーザー行動ログの収集及び分析 ・アプリの状態収集 |
Datadog | Datadog, Inc. | | ・不具合に関するログの収集及び分析 ・サイトパフォーマンスのログの収集及び分析 ・アラート対応 |
Firebase | Google, Inc. | | ・アプリケーションの改善 ・不具合に関するログの収集及び分析 |
Sentry | Functional Software,Inc. | | ・不具合に関するログの収集及び分析 ・サイトパフォーマンスのログの収集及び分析 |
Chapter 2. Handling of Personal Information for People Resident in the State of California, U.S.A. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how ZOZO, Inc. and other ZOZO Entities ("ZOZO", "we", "us" and "our") collect, process, disclose, share and secure your Personal Information and your rights regarding the Personal Information we collect. By using our services and digital platform, you hereby agree to the terms of this Policy and expressly consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data in accordance with this Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by making a request as set out below. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing of your personal data carried out prior to your withdrawal of consent. By registering with ZOZOMETRY, you agree to let us collect and use your Personal Information as described in this Policy. Therefore, before you provide us with any Personal Information, you should review this Privacy Policy in its entirety and understand its terms. We may update the Policy from time to time, so please check it regularly. This Policy describes: ・Personal Information We Collect and Use; ・How We Collect Your Personal Information; ・How We Use Your Personal Information; ・How We Disclose Your Personal Information to Third Parties; ・How We Retain Your Personal Information; ・How We Protect Your Personal Information; ・Ability to Access, Update and Correct Personal Information; ・California Privacy Rights; ・Changes to this Policy; ・How to Contact Us. PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of Personal Information about you, which we have grouped together as follows:
If you are the User:
Types of personal data | How we use your personal data | How long we retain your personal data |
・Identifiers: name and e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password) ・Protected classifications under California or federal law: age and gender ・Measurement Information: physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information) ・Partner Information: the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information ・Technical and Device Information: iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information ・Geographical information: time zone, country in which this service is used ・Inquiry Information: inquiry details ,search history ・Usage History Information: login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs, etc. ・Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
・To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. ・To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
・As long as is necessary for business purposes |
If you are an administrator:
Types of personal data | How we use your personal data | How long we retain your personal data |
・Professional or employment-related Information company and department name, address, billing information, authorization information ・Identifiers name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password) ・Technical and Device Information iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information ・Geographical information time zone, country in which this service is used ・Inquiry Information: inquiry details ,search history ・Usage History Information: login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs, etc. ・Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
・To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. ・To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To analyze the usage of the ZOZOMETRY service, propose better usage methods, and develop new functions. |
・As long as is necessary for business purposes |
Children’s Privacy. Prior consent of a legal representative must be obtained for use of ZOZO METRY by persons under 13 years of age. HOW WE COLLECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION Information You Voluntarily Provide to Us You may give us your Personal Information by filling in forms, or by corresponding with us by post, phone, text, email or otherwise. This includes Personal Information you provide when you: * Call, email, or contact us * Created an account * Otherwise interact with us Information We Collect When You Use Our Services Automated technologies or interactions. As is true of most websites, we receive and store certain types of Personal Information whenever you interact with us online. This information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. When you access and use our Services from your mobile devices, we receive data from that mobile device. This may include your device ID, location data, IP address and device type. You may manage how your mobile device and mobile browser share location information with us, as well as how your mobile browser handles cookies and related technologies by adjusting your mobile device privacy and security settings. Please refer to instructions provided by your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings. Cookies. Cookies are small files that we or our service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser that enables us or our service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. We use cookies to help us understand how users use the Services. For example, cookies gather information about how long you spend on a web page so that we can understand what web pages are of most interest to users. If you prefer, you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off cookies by adjusting your browser settings. HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION How We Use Your Personal Information We will only use your Personal Information when the law allows in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws. Most commonly, we will use your Personal Information in the following circumstances: ・Where we need to provide services to you. ・Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. ・Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. Purposes For Which We Use Your Personal Information Our primary purpose in collecting Personal Information is to provide ZOZOMETRY services. We have set out, in a table format above, a description of all the ways we plan to use your Personal Information. HOW WE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We disclose your Personal Information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Policy and with our service providers and internal third parties in order to provide you with our Services and perform any contract we enter into with them or you. Service Providers. We may use third-party service providers to perform certain business services on our behalf, and may disclose Personal Information to such service providers as needed for them to perform these business services. Service providers are only allowed to use, disclose or retain the Personal Information to provide these services and are prohibited from selling Personal Information. Business services provided include, but are not limited to, hosting services, software as a service, document management services, communications services such as email, text, and chat services, software and website development services, compliance services, quality control services, analytics services, call center services. The categories of Personal Information that have been disclosed to service providers for a business purpose in the past twelve months are listed in the chart of the “PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE” section. Internal Third Parties. We may disclose Personal Information to other ZOZO Entities who may use the Personal Information for the purposes described above. Your personal data may be transferred (including access or storage) outside of your home jurisdiction, including countries whose laws may not offer the same level of protection for personal data as are enjoyed within your home jurisdiction. In particular, we may disclose your personal data within ZOZO Entities outside of your home jurisdiction including Japan. The categories of Personal Information that have been disclosed to ZOZO Entities for a business purpose in the past twelve are listed in the chart of the “PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE” section. Business Transactions. We may do business with third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your Personal Information in the same way as set out in this Policy. Legal Process. Subject to applicable law, we may disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law, regulation or legal process, such as a subpoena; (ii) in response to requests by government entities, such as law enforcement authorities; (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical, financial or other harm, injury or loss; or (iv) in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual unlawful activity. Personal Information Shared. Other than as identified in this Privacy Policy, we have not shared any Personal Information in the past twelve months other than for required business purposes. HOW WE PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We are committed to safeguarding and protecting your personal data and have implemented and maintained technical, administrative, and physical safeguards designed to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect your personal data from accidental or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, or access. Our authorized employees, representatives, and service providers will have access to your personal data as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy. No transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be completely secure, and transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us using the details below. CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights Act. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) provide California consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts with specific rights regarding their Personal Information. This section describes your rights and explains how to exercise those rights. Right to Know: Upon verification of your identity you may exercise, no more than twice in any 12-month period, your right to know what Personal Information we have collected about you in the immediately preceding 12-month period, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected. Right to Delete: You have the right to request that we delete Personal Information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you. Right to Opt-Out of the Sale/Sharing: We do not sell your Personal Information. We only share your Personal Information as identified in this Policy for required business purposes. Right to Limit the Use or Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information: We do not use or disclose your Sensitive Personal Information. Right to Non-Discrimination: Unless permitted by applicable law, we will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your privacy rights under CCPA or applicable law, including by, but not limited to: 1. Denying you goods or services; 2. Charging you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties; 3. Providing you a different level of quality of goods or services; or 4. Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level of quality of goods or services. Exercising Your Rights Requests can be submitted by calling us at [833-969-6348] or emailing us at (New Business Promotion Department). Please note that these rights apply only to California consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts. Only you, or a person registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Information. Authorizing an Agent to Act on Your Behalf Except where you have provided an agent with a Power of Attorney pursuant to Sections 4000 – 4465 of the California Probate Code, when using an authorized agent you must: (1) provide the agent with signed permission clearly describing their authority to make a request on your behalf; (ii) verify your own identity; and (iii) directly confirm that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. That agent must also be able to verify their identity with us and provide us with their authority to act on your behalf. Verifying Your Request The verifiable consumer request initiated by you or your authorized agent must: * Include your full legal name, email, and phone number, which we will need to contact you in order to verify that you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information or an authorized representative. * Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with Personal Information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm that the Personal Information relates to you. Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. One of our representatives will contact you in order to verify your identity. You may need to provide additional information in order to verify your request, such as a personal ID. Depending on the nature of the request, we may require additional verification actions be taken, including but not limited to providing a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose Personal Information is the subject of the request. We will only use this information to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request. Exceptions These rights are not absolute and are subject to certain exceptions. For example, we cannot disclose or permit access to specific pieces of Personal Information if granting your request would present a certain level of risk to the security of the Personal Information at issue or the security of the website. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider and/or contractors to: * Complete the transaction for which we collected the Personal Information, provide a product or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform our contract with you. * Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities. * Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality. * Exercise free speech, ensure the right of consumers to exercise their free speech rights or exercise another right provided for by law. * Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us. * Comply with a legal obligation. * Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it. Response Timing and Format We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request. Automated decision-making. We do not use automated decision-making that results in automated decisions being taken (including profiling) that legally affect you or similarly significantly affect you. Automated decisions are decisions made automatically based on computer determinations (using software algorithms), without human review. Other California Privacy Rights. California residents have the right to receive information that identifies any third-party companies or individuals with which ZOZO has disclosed or shared your Personal Information within the previous calendar year, as well as a description of the categories of Personal Information, disclosed to that third party. You may obtain this information once a year and free of charge by contacting us at the address below. CHANGES TO THIS POLICY ZOZO may modify or update this Policy from time to time. We encourage you to revisit this page often to remain fully informed of our Policy or you can contact us at any time to obtain the latest copy of this Policy. Please ensure that you regularly check this Policy so you are fully aware of any changes or updates. The “Last Updated” legend above indicates when this Policy was last changed. If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your personal data, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of ZOZO applications and devices following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgment of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes. HOW TO CONTACT US If you have any questions about this Policy or wish to make a request or exercise any of your rights as set out above, please contact us by email (New Business Promotion Department).ZOZO will acknowledge the receipt of your message in a timely manner and generally within two business days of the submission of your message, provided that it is accompanied by accurate contact information. New Business Promotion Division will formally respond to you within 30 days of the submission of your message unless there are exceptional circumstances, in which case we will inform you of such circumstances.
Chapter 3. Handling of Personal Data of People Resident in the European Economic Area and the UK As we, ZOZO, Inc. and other ZOZO Entities ("ZOZO", "we", "us" and "our"), acting as data controller, provide the “ZOZOMETRY” services (including a service that stores the information specified by you and provides the data according to your instructions to the recipient indicated by you) for your use, we take privacy very seriously and undertake to process your personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the U.K. GDPR (hereafter the “GDPR”). Below is our Privacy Policy (the "Policy") which describes how we process your personal data. We may change, add to, or delete any part of this Policy from time to time. You will be informed of any substantial or material changes made to this Policy.
PURPOSE AND GROUND (why and on what ground we process your personal data) We process your personal data for the following purposes with the respective lawful bases in accordance with the GDPR:
* If you are the user:
Purpose | Category of Personal Data / Related Forms | Lawful Basis |
To provide the ZOZOMETRY services in which we store the information specified by you. |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Measurement Information (such as physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. We only process your measurement Information based on your consent. |
To provide the data according to your instructions in the ZOZOMETRY to the recipient indicated by you. |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Measurement Information (such as physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service |
Based on your consent. |
To improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interests. |
To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
In addition to the information above, - Inquiry Information (such as inquiry details, search history) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. |
To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. | Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. | |
To send marketing notifications concerning our products and services | - User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) | Based on your consent |
* If you are an administrator:
Purpose | Category of Personal Data / Related Forms | Lawful Basis |
To provide the ZOZOMETRY services. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. |
To improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interests to develop and improve our services. |
To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
- Company Information (such as company and department name, address, billing information, authorization information) - Contact person Information (such as name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password)) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. |
To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. | Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. | |
To send marketing notifications concerning our products and services | - Contact person Information (such as name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password)) | Based on your consent |
To analyze the usage of the ZOZOMETRY service, propose better usage methods, and develop new functions. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interest to develop and improve our product. |
If you fail to provide your personal data, we might be unable to provide our services to you to the extent that such personal data are necessary to maintain our contractual relationship or to provide the contractual services CHILD DATA (what our policy on child data is) We do not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Data from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to access to the ZOZOMETRY services. RETENTION (how long we retain your personal data) We will determine the retention period of your personal data based on whether it as long as is necessary for research into problems arising from the use of the Service (including those that occur after the termination of use of the Service) business purposes unless we are otherwise required to maintain them under applicable laws and regulations or it is necessary in relation to the Purposes. Upon the lapse of the retention period, we will either delete or anonymize your data. DATA SECURITY (how we ensure security of your personal data) We are committed to safeguarding and protecting your personal data and will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect your personal data from accident or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access. Please refer to Article 4 for a more elaborate outline of how we ensure security of your personal data. DISCLOSURE (who we share your personal data with) We may disclose certain items of your personal data in so far as it may be necessary for the purposes above to the following entities: - Those to whom you instructed us to provide your personal data. - Other ZOZO Entities - Third-party service providers - Public authorities to which we are obliged to disclose your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. AUTOMATED-DECISION MAKING (how we make decisions about you) We do not use your personal data to make decisions about you that are based solely on automated processing (including profiling) such as a computer determination using software algorithms where such decisions produce legal effects or may similarly significantly affect you. Where we do rely on an automated decision-making process to make decisions about you, we will only do so where such decisions are necessary for the performance of the contract we have with you, or where we have obtained your prior and explicit consent. In such case, we will make sure no decisions are made without our human review or intervention, and we will offer you the right to express your point of view and to contest the decision. You can exercise this right by contacting us using the contact details provided at the bottom of the "Your rights" heading below. TRANSFERS TO NON-EEA COUNTRIES We may transfer your personal data according to your instruction to other countries, where the GDPR is not in force. The European Commission issued an adequacy decision in respect of Japan in 2019. Some third parties that receive personal data are located in third countries that are not recognized by the European Commission as having data protection laws which provide the same level of protection for personal data as the EEA or the UK, but we have entered into data transfer agreements with such third parties to ensure a sufficient level of personal data protection. In this case, we will take the appropriate safeguards necessary for international data transfer such as the EU standard contractual clauses. YOUR RIGHTS (what legal right you can exercise regarding your personal data) According to the GDPR, where you have given your consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You also have the right to object at any time to the processing your data when the processing if it is based on our legitimate interest (including for profiling). In such event, we shall no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or when we process personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. When the processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time, upon which we shall no longer process your personal data for such marketing purposes. Additionally, provided that the applicable statutory conditions are met, you have the legal rights to request from us the following: - information on what personal data we have about you (right of access) - correction of your personal data if inaccurate or incomplete (right to rectification) - erasure of your personal data if we have no lawful ground to process them, or your personal data are no longer necessary for the above purposes, or where you withdraw your consent (right to erasure) - suspension of using your personal data, including when the data processing we carry out is being contested (right to restriction of processing) - obtaining your personal data in a computer-readable format (right to data portability) - You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send to you. To opt-out of other forms of marketing (such as postal marketing or telemarketing), please contact us using the contact details provided below. For the exercise of your data subject rights, you may reach out to: [] COMPLAINT You have the right to lodge complaints about our way of processing your personal data with the competent data protection supervisory authorities. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (including the US and Canada) are available here.) INQUIRY For further information and inquiries (including the appropriate safeguards regarding transfers of your personal data to non-EEA countries), contact: [ZOZO, Inc. Customer Support Center] *In order to improve the quality of its supporting services and to collect information correctly, the Company may record and retain the contents of the conversation between the Company and the User. You may also contact us by email at: ZOZO, Inc. Data Protection Officer MUTSUMI YASUDA Contact for inquiry regarding personal data: [] Contact details of the EU representative DP-Dock GmbH Post: [Ballindamm 39, 20095 Hamburg, Germany] Email: []
Privacy Policy for ZOZOMETRY
Last Revised: [2025/1/14]
Handling of Information of Users Located in California, U.S.A., or in the EEA Member States or the United Kingdom For consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts located in California, the United States, Chapter 2 applies in addition to Chapter 1; in the case of any inconsistency or conflict between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, Chapter 2 applies. For customers located in the EEA Member States or the United Kingdom, Chapter 3 applies in addition to Chapter 1; in the case of any inconsistency or conflict between Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, Chapter 3 applies.
Chapter 1. Handling of Personal Information in ZOZOMETRY Article1. Purpose of Use We collect and use the Personal Information of the user of ZOZOMETRY and its company administrators (collectively, hereinafter referred to as "User") for the following purposes:
Types of Personal Information | Purpose of Use of Personal Information | |
The user of ZOZOMETRY |
・Name ・E-mail address ・Date of birth ・Gender ・Physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.) ・Measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information) ・Name of the company with which the User linked his/her information ・Identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) ・Log-in information (ID and password) ・Device information ・iOS version information ・Version information of the application being used ・Inquiry details ・IP address ・Web browser information ・Time zone ・Country in which this service is used ・Cookie information(Necessary cookie) ・Service use history (including login logs, inquiry history, search history, and measurement logs) ・Authenticator information ・Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
・To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY service and to develop new functions. ・To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service |
Company administrato rs |
・Name ・E-mail address ・Country in which this service is used ・Log-in information (ID and password) ・Address ・Billing information ・Authorization information ・Company and department name ・iOS version information ・version information of the application being used ・Inquiry details ・Inquiry history ・IP address ・Web browser information ・Time zone ・Country in which this service is used ・Cookie information ・Search history ・Authenticator information ・Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service |
・To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY service and to develop new functions (including but not limited to shipping and billing of ZOZO SUITS). ・To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. ・To analyze the usage of the ZOZOMETRY service, propose better usage methods, and develop new functions. |
Article 2. Retention Period of Personal Information We will retain Personal Information only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes of collection and use described above. The specific retention period will be determined by taking into consideration the purposes for which the Personal Information was collected and used, the nature of the Personal Information, and the legal or business necessity for retaining the Personal Information. Article 3. Provision of Personal Information Based on User's Consent We will provide your Personal Information to third parties that you designate on the ZOZOMETRY. The third party(ies) you designate may be located outside of Japan. However, at this time, we cannot provide you with the name of the foreign country in which the third party is located or the measures that the third party takes to protect your Personal Information because we do not know which country the third party is located in. Please refer to the following web page of the Personal Information Protection Commission for information on major foreign systems for the protection of Personal Information. We will not provide the User's Personal Information to any third party without your instruction. However, this does not apply in the following cases: 1. in the case where the User has given consent 2. in the case where such provision is in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country 3. in the case where the provision of Personal Information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in the case where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the User. 4. in the case where the provision of Personal Information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children, and in the case where obtaining consent is difficult. 5. in the case where it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government in the execution of its official duties, and in the case where obtaining consent may impede the execution of such duties. 6. in the case where Personal Information is provided to an academic research institution, etc., which is required to handle Personal Information for academic research purposes (except in the case where there is a risk of unjustified infringement on the rights and interests of the customer). 7. in the case where Personal Information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to a merger, corporate separation, transfer of business, or other reasons. Article 4. Security Control Measures We take the following measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of Personal Information and to otherwise manage it appropriately. 1. Establishment of Basic Policy * We have established a basic policy to ensure the proper handling of Personal Information and to provide a point of contact for questions and complaints. 2. Establishment of rules for handling personal data * Establish Personal Information protection rules for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., including handling methods, responsible persons/persons in charge, and their duties, etc. 3. Organizational security management measures * Establish a person responsible for the handling of personal data ("Chief Privacy Officer"). * Clarify employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees. * Establish a reporting system for the Chief Privacy Officer in the case of a violation of the law or company regulations or any indication of such a violation. * Conduct periodic self-inspections of the status of Personal Information handling, and conduct audits by other departments or outside parties as necessary. 4. Personnel Security Control Measures * Provide periodic training for employees on matters to be considered in handling Personal Information. * Include confidentiality of Personal Information in company rules. 5. Physical Security Control Measures * Control access to Personal Information by employees in areas where Personal Information is handled and restrict the equipment, etc., that they bring in, and implement measures to prevent access to Personal Information by unauthorized persons. * Take measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that contain Personal Information. * Implement measures to prevent Personal Information from being easily discovered in the case where equipment, electronic media, etc., that handle Personal Information are carried, including within the business premises. 6. Technical Security Control Measures * Implement access control to limit the scope of Personal Information handled and the persons in charge. * Implement mechanisms to protect information systems that handle Personal Information from unauthorized access from outside or unauthorized software. 7. Understanding the external environment * We implement security control measures based on our knowledge of the systems for the protection of Personal Information in foreign countries to which we entrust Personal Information or where the cloud servers we store Personal Information are located. Please refer to the following web page of the Personal Information Protection Commission for information on systems for the protection of Personal Information in foreign countries. Article 5. Handling of Personal Information of children Children (below the age of 18 in Japan and below the age of 16 in countries covered by the EEA.) intends to use the Service, he/she shall obtain the prior consent of his/her legal representative. We shall intentionally neither collect nor process information about children without the consent of their legal representative. Article 6. Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, etc. We accept requests from the data subject for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure of Personal Information, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc."). 1. Contact for requests for Disclosure, etc. In the case of a request by mail, please send the prescribed request form along with the required documents to the address specified in Article 7. 2. Items to be submitted 1. Personal Information Purpose of Use Notification/Disclosure Request Form 2. Personal Information Correction Request Form 3. Personal Information Suspension of Use Request Form 4. Identification documents (driver's license, passport, etc.) 5. In the case of a legal representative, in addition to (4) above, documents confirming the right of legal representation In the case of a voluntary representative, in addition to (4) above, a power of attorney as specified by us and certificate of seal impression * Please fill out the sensitive information such as the registered domicile of the applicant in the submitted documents before submitting them. In the case where such information has not been filled in at the time of receipt, we will fill in the information. By filling in such information, we do not obtain such information. 3. Administrative Fee Please note that a fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each request for disclosure and notification of the purpose of use. In the case of a request by mail, the fee will be charged by bank transfer or other means. For specific procedures for requests for Disclosure, etc., please contact the contact point in
Article 7. Consultation and complaints regarding the handling of Personal Information
For consultations, complaints, objections, or other inquiries regarding our handling of Personal Information, please contact us at the address below. You may also withdraw your consent at any time. ------------------------------------- [Contact information] 1-15-16 Midori-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-0023, Japan ZOZO, Inc. New Business Promotion Department For inquiries regarding Personal Information, please contact us at * Inquiries are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ------------------------------------- Article 8. Changes to this Privacy Policy We may revise all or part of this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to ensure the appropriate use and protection of Personal Information. In the case of material changes, we will provide notice with the effective date. Article 9. Use of Cookies and External Transmission of Data Our services use advertising distribution and behavioral log analysis tools, etc. provided by the following companies for the purpose of analyzing customer browsing information and providing services, information, advertisements, etc. that are appropriate for individual customers.
Service name | Company | Privacy Policy | Purpose of Use |
GoogleAnalytics | Google,Inc. | |
・Collection and analysis of user behavior logs ・App status collection |
Datadog |
Datadog, Inc. | |
・Collection and analysis of logs related to defects ・Collection and analysis of site performance logs ・Alert support |
Firebase |
Google, Inc. | |
・Application Improvements ・Collection and analysis of logs related to defects |
Sentry |
Functional Software, Inc. | |
・Collection and analysis of logs related to defects ・Collection and analysis of site performance logs |
Chapter 2. Handling of Personal Information for People Resident in the State of California, U.S.A. This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how ZOZO, Inc. and other ZOZO Entities ("ZOZO", "we", "us" and "our") collect, process, disclose, share and secure your Personal Information and your rights regarding the Personal Information we collect. By using our services and digital platform, you hereby agree to the terms of this Policy and expressly consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data in accordance with this Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by making a request as set out below. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing of your personal data carried out prior to your withdrawal of consent. By registering with ZOZOMETRY, you agree to let us collect and use your Personal Information as described in this Policy. Therefore, before you provide us with any Personal Information, you should review this Privacy Policy in its entirety and understand its terms. We may update the Policy from time to time, so please check it regularly. This Policy describes: * Personal Information We Collect and Use; * How We Collect Your Personal Information; * How We Use Your Personal Information; * How We Disclose Your Personal Information to Third Parties; * How We Retain Your Personal Information; * How We Protect Your Personal Information; * Ability to Access, Update and Correct Personal Information; * California Privacy Rights; * Changes to this Policy; * How to Contact Us. PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of Personal Information about you, which we have grouped together as follows:
If you are the User:
Types of personal data | How we use your personal data | How long we retain your personal data |
- Identifiers: name and e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password) - Protected classifications under California or federal law: age and gender - Measurement Information: physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information) - Partner Information: the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information - Technical and Device Information: iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information - Geographical information: time zone, country in which this service is used - Inquiry Information: inquiry details , search history - Usage History Information: login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs, etc. - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
- To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. - To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. - To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
- As long as is necessary for business purposes |
If you are an administrator:
Types of personal data | How we use your personal data | How long we retain your personal data |
- Professional or employment-related Information company and department name, address, billing information, authorization information - Identifiers: name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password) - Technical and Device Information: iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information - Geographical information: time zone, country in which this service is used - Inquiry Information: inquiry details - Usage History Information: login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs, etc. - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
- To provide and improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. - To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. - To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. - To analyze the usage of the ZOZOMETRY service, propose better usage methods, and develop new functions. |
- As long as is necessary for business purposes |
Children’s Privacy. Prior consent of a legal representative must be obtained for use of ZOZO METRY by persons under 13 years of age. HOW WE COLLECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION Information You Voluntarily Provide to Us You may give us your Personal Information by filling in forms, or by corresponding with us by post, phone, text, email or otherwise. This includes Personal Information you provide when you: * Call, email, or contact us * Created an account * Otherwise interact with us Information We Collect When You Use Our Services Automated technologies or interactions. As is true of most websites, we receive and store certain types of Personal Information whenever you interact with us online. This information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. When you access and use our Services from your mobile devices, we receive data from that mobile device. This may include your device ID, location data, IP address and device type. You may manage how your mobile device and mobile browser share location information with us, as well as how your mobile browser handles cookies and related technologies by adjusting your mobile device privacy and security settings. Please refer to instructions provided by your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings. Cookies. Cookies are small files that we or our service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser that enables us or our service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. We use cookies to help us understand how users use the Services. For example, cookies gather information about how long you spend on a web page so that we can understand what web pages are of most interest to users. If you prefer, you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off cookies by adjusting your browser settings. HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION How We Use Your Personal Information We will only use your Personal Information when the law allows in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws. Most commonly, we will use your Personal Information in the following circumstances: * Where we need to provide services to you. * Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. * Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. Purposes For Which We Use Your Personal Information Our primary purpose in collecting Personal Information is to provide ZOZOMETRY services. We have set out, in a table format above, a description of all the ways we plan to use your Personal Information. HOW WE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We disclose your Personal Information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Policy and with our service providers and internal third parties in order to provide you with our Services and perform any contract we enter into with them or you. Service Providers. We may use third-party service providers to perform certain business services on our behalf, and may disclose Personal Information to such service providers as needed for them to perform these business services. Service providers are only allowed to use, disclose or retain the Personal Information to provide these services and are prohibited from selling Personal Information. Business services provided include, but are not limited to, hosting services, software as a service, document management services, communications services such as email, text, and chat services, software and website development services, compliance services, quality control services, analytics services, call center services. The categories of Personal Information that have been disclosed to service providers for a business purpose in the past twelve months are listed in the chart of the “PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE” section. Internal Third Parties. We may disclose Personal Information to other ZOZO Entities who may use the Personal Information for the purposes described above. Your personal data may be transferred (including access or storage) outside of your home jurisdiction, including countries whose laws may not offer the same level of protection for personal data as are enjoyed within your home jurisdiction. In particular, we may disclose your personal data within ZOZO Entities outside of your home jurisdiction including Japan. The categories of Personal Information that have been disclosed to ZOZO Entities for a business purpose in the past twelve are listed in the chart of the “PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE” section. Business Transactions. We may do business with third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your Personal Information in the same way as set out in this Policy. Legal Process. Subject to applicable law, we may disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law, regulation or legal process, such as a subpoena; (ii) in response to requests by government entities, such as law enforcement authorities; (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical, financial or other harm, injury or loss; or (iv) in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual unlawful activity. Personal Information Shared. Other than as identified in this Privacy Policy, we have not shared any Personal Information in the past twelve months other than for required business purposes. HOW WE PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We are committed to safeguarding and protecting your personal data and have implemented and maintained technical, administrative, and physical safeguards designed to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect your personal data from accidental or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, or access. Our authorized employees, representatives, and service providers will have access to your personal data as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy. No transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be completely secure, and transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us using the details below. CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights Act. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) provide California consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts with specific rights regarding their Personal Information. This section describes your rights and explains how to exercise those rights. Right to Know: Upon verification of your identity you may exercise, no more than twice in any 12-month period, your right to know what Personal Information we have collected about you in the immediately preceding 12-month period, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected. Right to Delete: You have the right to request that we delete Personal Information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you. Right to Opt-Out of the Sale/Sharing: We do not sell your Personal Information. We only share your Personal Information as identified in this Policy for required business purposes. Right to Limit the Use or Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information: We do not use or disclose your Sensitive Personal Information. Right to Non-Discrimination: Unless permitted by applicable law, we will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your privacy rights under CCPA or applicable law, including by, but not limited to: 1. Denying you goods or services; 2. Charging you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties; 3. Providing you a different level of quality of goods or services; or 4. Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level of quality of goods or services. Exercising Your Rights Requests can be submitted by calling us at [833-969-6348] or emailing us at (New Business Promotion Department). Please note that these rights apply only to California consumers, job applicants, employees, and business contacts. Only you, or a person registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Information. Authorizing an Agent to Act on Your Behalf Except where you have provided an agent with a Power of Attorney pursuant to Sections 4000 – 4465 of the California Probate Code, when using an authorized agent you must: (1) provide the agent with signed permission clearly describing their authority to make a request on your behalf; (ii) verify your own identity; and (iii) directly confirm that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. That agent must also be able to verify their identity with us and provide us with their authority to act on your behalf. Verifying Your Request The verifiable consumer request initiated by you or your authorized agent must: * Include your full legal name, email, and phone number, which we will need to contact you in order to verify that you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information or an authorized representative. * Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with Personal Information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm that the Personal Information relates to you. Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. One of our representatives will contact you in order to verify your identity. You may need to provide additional information in order to verify your request, such as a personal ID. Depending on the nature of the request, we may require additional verification actions be taken, including but not limited to providing a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer whose Personal Information is the subject of the request. We will only use this information to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request. Exceptions These rights are not absolute and are subject to certain exceptions. For example, we cannot disclose or permit access to specific pieces of Personal Information if granting your request would present a certain level of risk to the security of the Personal Information at issue or the security of the website. We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider and/or contractors to: * Complete the transaction for which we collected the Personal Information, provide a product or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform our contract with you. * Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities. * Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality. * Exercise free speech, ensure the right of consumers to exercise their free speech rights or exercise another right provided for by law. * Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us. * Comply with a legal obligation. * Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it. Response Timing and Format We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request. Automated decision-making. We do not use automated decision-making that results in automated decisions being taken (including profiling) that legally affect you or similarly significantly affect you. Automated decisions are decisions made automatically based on computer determinations (using software algorithms), without human review. Other California Privacy Rights. California residents have the right to receive information that identifies any third-party companies or individuals with which ZOZO has disclosed or shared your Personal Information within the previous calendar year, as well as a description of the categories of Personal Information, disclosed to that third party. You may obtain this information once a year and free of charge by contacting us at the address below. CHANGES TO THIS POLICY ZOZO may modify or update this Policy from time to time. We encourage you to revisit this page often to remain fully informed of our Policy or you can contact us at any time to obtain the latest copy of this Policy. Please ensure that you regularly check this Policy so you are fully aware of any changes or updates. The “Last Updated” legend above indicates when this Policy was last changed. If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your personal data, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of ZOZO applications and devices following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgment of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes. HOW TO CONTACT US If you have any questions about this Policy or wish to make a request or exercise any of your rights as set out above, please contact us by email (New Business Promotion Department).ZOZO will acknowledge the receipt of your message in a timely manner and generally within two business days of the submission of your message, provided that it is accompanied by accurate contact information. New Business Promotion Division will formally respond to you within 30 days of the submission of your message unless there are exceptional circumstances, in which case we will inform you of such circumstances.
Chapter 3. Handling of Personal Data of People Resident in the European Economic Area and the UK As we, ZOZO, Inc. and other ZOZO Entities ("ZOZO", "we", "us" and "our"), acting as data controller, provide the “ZOZOMETRY” services (including a service that stores the information specified by you and provides the data according to your instructions to the recipient indicated by you) for your use, we take privacy very seriously and undertake to process your personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the U.K. GDPR (hereafter the “GDPR”). Below is our Privacy Policy (the "Policy") which describes how we process your personal data. We may change, add to, or delete any part of this Policy from time to time. You will be informed of any substantial or material changes made to this Policy.
PURPOSE AND GROUND (why and on what ground we process your personal data) We process your personal data for the following purposes with the respective lawful bases in accordance with the GDPR:
* If you are the user:
Purpose | Category of Personal Data / Related Forms | Lawful Basis |
To provide the ZOZOMETRY services in which we store the information specified by you |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Measurement Information (such as physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. We only process your measurement Information based on your consent. |
To provide the data according to your instructions in the ZOZOMETRY to the recipient indicated by you. |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Measurement Information (such as physical information entered by the User (weight, height, etc.), measurement data (measurement values, 3D mesh, etc., the Measurement Information)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service |
Based on your consent. |
To improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. |
- User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) - Partner Information (such as the name of the company with which the User linked his/her information, identification code (employee number, etc.) assigned to the User by the company to which the User linked his/her information) - Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interests. |
To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
In addition to the information above, - Inquiry Information (such as inquiry details, search history) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. |
To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. | Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. | |
To send marketing notifications concerning our products and services | - User Information (such as name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, log-in information (ID and password)) | Based on your consent |
* If you are an administrator:
Purpose | Category of Personal Data / Related Forms | Lawful Basis |
To provide the ZOZOMETRY services. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you |
To improve the ZOZOMETRY services and develop new functions. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information)
- Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used)
- Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interests to develop and improve our services. |
To provide notifications related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. |
- Company Information (such as company and department name, address, billing information, authorization information) - Contact person Information (such as name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password)) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) |
Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. |
To respond to inquiries related to the use of the ZOZOMETRY service. | Based on the necessity to perform our contract with you. | |
To send marketing notifications concerning our products and services | - Contact person Information (such as name, e-mail address, log-in information (ID and password)) | Based on your consent |
To analyze the usage of the ZOZOMETRY service, propose better usage methods, and develop new functions. |
- Device information (such as iOS version, version of the application being used, IP address, Web browser information, Cookie information, Authenticator information) - Geographical information (such as time zone, country in which the Service is used) - Usage History Information (such as login logs, inquiry history, search history, measurement logs) - Other information you provide to us as a result of using the Service (if any) |
Based on our legitimate interest to develop and improve our product. |
If you fail to provide your personal data, we might be unable to provide our services to you to the extent that such personal data are necessary to maintain our contractual relationship or to provide the contractual services CHILD DATA (what our policy on child data is) We do not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Data from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to access to the ZOZOMETRY services. RETENTION (how long we retain your personal data) We will determine the retention period of your personal data based on whether it as long as is necessary for research into problems arising from the use of the Service (including those that occur after the termination of use of the Service)business purposes unless we are otherwise required to maintain them under applicable laws and regulations or it is necessary in relation to the Purposes. Upon the lapse of the retention period, we will either delete or anonymize your data. DATA SECURITY (how we ensure security of your personal data) We are committed to safeguarding and protecting your personal data and will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect your personal data from accident or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access. Please refer to Article 4 for a more elaborate outline of how we ensure security of your personal data. DISCLOSURE (who we share your personal data with) We may disclose certain items of your personal data in so far as it may be necessary for the purposes above to the following entities: - Those to whom you instructed us to provide your personal data. - Other ZOZO Entities - Third-party service providers - Public authorities to which we are obliged to disclose your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. AUTOMATED-DECISION MAKING (how we make decisions about you) We do not use your personal data to make decisions about you that are based solely on automated processing (including profiling) such as a computer determination using software algorithms where such decisions produce legal effects or may similarly significantly affect you. Where we do rely on an automated decision-making process to make decisions about you, we will only do so where such decisions are necessary for the performance of the contract we have with you, or where we have obtained your prior and explicit consent. In such case, we will make sure no decisions are made without our human review or intervention, and we will offer you the right to express your point of view and to contest the decision. You can exercise this right by contacting us using the contact details provided at the bottom of the "Your rights" heading below. TRANSFERS TO NON-EEA COUNTRIES We may transfer your personal data according to your instruction to other countries, where the GDPR is not in force. The European Commission issued an adequacy decision in respect of Japan in 2019. Some third parties that receive personal data are located in third countries that are not recognized by the European Commission as having data protection laws which provide the same level of protection for personal data as the EEA or the UK, but we have entered into data transfer agreements with such third parties to ensure a sufficient level of personal data protection. In this case, we will take the appropriate safeguards necessary for international data transfer such as the EU standard contractual clauses. YOUR RIGHTS (what legal right you can exercise regarding your personal data) According to the GDPR, where you have given your consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You also have the right to object at any time to the processing your data when the processing if it is based on our legitimate interest (including for profiling). In such event, we shall no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or when we process personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. When the processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time, upon which we shall no longer process your personal data for such marketing purposes. Additionally, provided that the applicable statutory conditions are met, you have the legal rights to request from us the following: - information on what personal data we have about you (right of access) - correction of your personal data if inaccurate or incomplete (right to rectification) - erasure of your personal data if we have no lawful ground to process them, or your personal data are no longer necessary for the above purposes, or where you withdraw your consent (right to erasure) - suspension of using your personal data, including when the data processing we carry out is being contested (right to restriction of processing) - obtaining your personal data in a computer-readable format (right to data portability) - You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send to you. To opt-out of other forms of marketing (such as postal marketing or telemarketing), please contact us using the contact details provided below. For the exercise of your data subject rights, you may reach out to: [] COMPLAINT You have the right to lodge complaints about our way of processing your personal data with the competent data protection supervisory authorities. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (including the US and Canada) are available here.) INQUIRY For further information and inquiries (including the appropriate safeguards regarding transfers of your personal data to non-EEA countries), contact: [ZOZO, Inc. Customer Support Center] *In order to improve the quality of its supporting services and to collect information correctly, the Company may record and retain the contents of the conversation between the Company and the User. You may also contact us by email at: ZOZO, Inc. Data Protection Officer MUTSUMI YASUDA Contact for inquiry regarding personal data: [] Contact details of the EU representative DP-Dock GmbH Post: [Ballindamm 39, 20095 Hamburg, Germany] Email: []